
Star Trek: The Doomsday Machine (FILM)
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Outer Limits: The Sixth Finger (FILM)
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Opening Ceremonies (MAIN)
It's time to get the party started!
Join the co-chairs in a welcoming chat!
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Trek Irregulars (MAIN)
Join guests Laura Banks, Stephen Manley, and Tim Culbertson
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Not Godzilla, Who is that other Kaiju? (KAIJU)
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Mythological Monsters (LIT)
Come join us in discussing creatures from ancient lit that still have their claws in us today. From Beowulf to the Bible—Cyclops, Grendel, and Leviathans, oh my! (Aubrey Spivey, Darin Bush)
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Horror Films of the 1970’s (MEDIA)
J.K. Muir and S. Smith
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Time Tunnel: The Idol of Death
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Insidious Conjuring (MAIN)
Steve Coulter
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Behind the Scenes at Toho Studios (KAIJU)
E. Godziszewski and S. Linkenbank
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Steranko vs. Adams – You Decide (LIT)
Mike Gordon, Ted Haycraft, Doug Murray
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Three (Stephen) Kings: The Winning Hand at the Movies in 1983 (MEDIA)
Forty years ago, Cujo, Dead Zone, & Christine gave us King’s take on three types of horror: machine, natural, & supernatural. Could it have been that easy to scare us?
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Why Strike? SAG-AFTRA (MAIN)
Clayton Landey
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The Other Beasts of H.P. Lovecraft (LIT)
Everyone loves Cthulhu, but what about the other cosmic creatures of Lovecraft Country? Meet the Great Old Ones, the Outer Ones, the Ancient Ones, and other ones. (Darin Bush, Kyle Mitchell)
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Audio Terrors (MEDIA)
T. Sarrecchia, J.K. Muir, S. Smith
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The Mummy’s Ghost (1944) Lon Chaney, Jr (FILM)
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Alan Howarth LIVE! (EVENT)
This is a separate ticketed event
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Shadow of the Vampire (2000) (FILM)
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Give ‘Em Hellboy! (LIT)
We celebrate the “Right Hand of Doom” as this year marks the thirtieth anniversary of Mike Mignola’s signature comic character. (Mike Gordon)
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Some Kind of Star Trek Panel (MEDIA)
Star Trek has monsters, right? Some crawl in your ear (eww) and some conspire with the Romulan ambassador to betray their own people. Set panel to stun.
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Professor Fear and Pinky Quiz Show! (EVENT)
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WTF: We’re Twilight Zone Fans (MEDIA)
Wanna discuss something really scary? Four tales, retold by master storytellers, with modern updates and twists. Did they reach the summit of man’s knowledge, or the pit of our fears?
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Ghidorah, The Three Headed Monster (1964) (FILM)
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