To Anne Serling, the imposing figure the public saw hosting The Twilight Zone each week was not the father she knew. Her fun-loving dad was her best friend, her playmate, and her confidant. She coped with his unexpected death by talking to his friends, poring over old correspondence, and recording her childhood memories.
Anne was born in Greenwich, Connecticut and grew up in southern California. Before becoming a full time writer, she was an early childhood teacher. Anne serves on the board of directors of the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation, which is online at RodSerling.com.

Anne has been published in The Twilight Zone, The Original Stories; and The Twilight Zone Magazine in which she adapted two of her father’s teleplays into short stories; she has had poetry published in The Cornell Daily Sun and Visions. Her works have also appeared in Salon.com and Huffington Post.
In her book, As I Knew Him: My Dad, Rod Serling, she shares personal photos, revealing letters, and beautifully rendered scenes of his childhood, war years, and their family’s time together.
We are so grateful to Anne for appearing with us to celebrate her father’s work at Serlingbration 100!

For more information on Rod Serling and the Rod Serling Memorial Foundation, CLICK HERE.